from a previous post last April:
Mr. L: "Hi I'm Mr. L. I've been staying at M.K.'s house. We've had a deer die in our yard."
Me: "Yeah, it's that time of year. They just can't take it anymore."
Mr. L: "I don't want to be a bad neighbor, I can't leave it there."
Me: "Yeah, you need to move it. There's a tree on the road to Fetterman, pull over there, there are hundreds of them."
Mr. L: blank stare as if I'm insane.
Me: "Or you could ask around some more..."
Mr. L: "Yeah, I'll do that."
a couple of hours later...
Mr. L: "I've asked around and everyone said the same thing. Plus they say there's a mountain lion hanging around."
Me: "Welcome to Wyoming."
the next day...
Mr. L: "I found the spot you told me about. We said a little prayer and tossed her over.... We're leaving. I think were heading to D.C."
Me (in my head): just a different kind of carnage.