Sunday, December 11, 2011

the stockings are hung...

the tree is up, and the gifts are chosen. Now all that's left are fun things like wrapping presents, listening to music and making cookies.

Zoe and I watched A Year Without a Santa Claus the other night and both agree that the Heat Miser and the Cold Miser are the best.
We still need to watch The Grinch, and Zoe's never seen It's a Wonderful Life so I'd like to snuggle up and watch that with her too.

I really like Christmas
It's sentimental, I know, but I just really like it
I am hardly religious
I'd rather break bread with Dawkins than Desmond Tutu, to be honest

And yes, I have all of the usual objections
To consumerism, the commercialisation of an ancient religion
To the westernisation of a dead Palestinian
Press-ganged into selling Playstations and beer
But I still really like it...

-from White Wine in the Sun by Tim Minchin


Anet said...

Wow... awesome stockings! I'm thinking you made them, they look like your art:)

Caleb and I watched It's a Wonderful Life last night, I watch it every year and I always tear up at the end, sappy... I know.

Glad to hear you're ready for the fun stuff of the season, Enjoy!

(I haven't even thought about the cookies yet, ugh!)

Sharon said...

Hey Anet!
Yeah I made them several years ago out of scraps we had laying around.
I added It's a Wonderful Life at the top of our cue today so we should get to watch it later in the week. I think it's sweet that Caleb is still willing to sit down and watch a movie with his mom.

Anet said...

Yeah... sweet,not sure about that! He's in the dog house with me and he was just trying to get back into my good graces.

I own two dvds of the movie. One black & white and one colorized version (which I thought I'd hate but it's okay, nice vintage colors.)

Those stockings are beautiful... and just made with scraps heh?

sandy said...

oh...that is the youtube I posted last year by Tim.

Anyway, LOVE those stockings and it makes me want to get creative.

You've been busy blogging since I was here last.

Glad for awhile anyway, you are accepting comments.

I have always enjoyed what you post.

Sharon said...

Hey Sandy!
I only learned of him from your post last year. Now that is my favorite Christmas song of all thanks to you.