Wednesday, December 28, 2011

the other side of living in the mountains; winterkill (WARNING graphic images)

A young magpie waiting for us to finish moving his lunch.

from a previous post last April:

Mr. L: "Hi I'm Mr. L. I've been staying at M.K.'s house. We've had a deer die in our yard."
Me: "Yeah, it's that time of year. They just can't take it anymore."
Mr. L: "I don't want to be a bad neighbor, I can't leave it there."
Me: "Yeah, you need to move it. There's a tree on the road to Fetterman, pull over there, there are hundreds of them."
Mr. L: blank stare as if I'm insane.
Me: "Or you could ask around some more..."
Mr. L: "Yeah, I'll do that."

a couple of hours later...

Mr. L: "I've asked around and everyone said the same thing. Plus they say there's a mountain lion hanging around."
Me: "Welcome to Wyoming."

the next day...

Mr. L: "I found the spot you told me about. We said a little prayer and tossed her over.... We're leaving. I think were heading to D.C."

Me (in my head): just a different kind of carnage.


Anet said...

Wow... the only winter casualties we have is an occasional squirrel. I imagine it's all part of the circle, there will be fawns this Spring to continue the circle.

Poor Mr. L. just not hardy Wyoming stock, I guess.

My word verification is: unshut. Wouldn't that be open? :)

Sharon said...

Hey Anet!
I didn't even know I had word verification turned on.
Yeah, a lot of wildlife will make it through the winter because of that deer but I try not to think about it. I was like Mr. L for a long time after moving here. I think it just takes time and an "unshut" heart when it comes to the workings of the universe :)

sandy said...


....."Me (in my head): just a different kind of carnage."

I don't mind the images at all - kind of cool to see how "neat" the meat is taken off and the ribs look so clean.

Project Tara said...

These images don't bother me as much as seeing roadkill or the huge slaughterhouse trucks that frequent our highway. No "circle of life" moments with either of those.

Sharon said...

Hey Sandy and Tara!
I'm so glad the pictures didn't bother you too much. I agree about road kill and the trucks taking large herds to slaughter. I always make a conscious effort not to look if I can.