Saturday, July 19, 2008

Paonias Excaecatus

One of the great things about living here is that there really aren’t very many bugs. In fact, we don’t even have fleas. And as someone who’s bed is usually occupied by more animals than people I can’t overstate the importance of a flealess existence. The one type of insect that we are infested with is moths. Each July the millers descend upon us like some bad 1960’s horror film. They don’t usually stay long and other than the annoyance of having to rescue them out of the dog’s water bowl every morning they really aren’t bothering anyone.

Yesterday I found this little guy in the window sill. He's just a common Blinded Sphinx Moth but by hanging out with the millers he seemed special. We chatted a little, did a photo shoot, and then I escorted him outside so that he could get on with his life. I know it’s not much, but that’s my offering for today.......a moth; one beautifully common moth.

Have a Great Sunday Everyone!

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