Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone!
My only resolution this year is to start treating Zoe like the 16 year old that she is (I tend to over mother the poor girl to death!). Beyond that, I don't have anything blog worthy or New Year-ish to add. I did just finish emailing my sister. While I doubt it will interest you I'll copy and paste it below. Proceed at your own risk though as it promises to be VERY boring! :)

Happy New Year to you too!

Things here are good. I kept with my tradition of seeing the new year in unconsciously. The last thing I remember the clock said 11:50. Somehow the universe managed it all without me! :)
Zoe had wanted to decorate gingerbread houses this year. Rather than spend ten bucks per kit I told her to wait until after the holidays when I could get them at 1/2 off and we would do them new years eve, which we did. She's such a funny kid. She just really gets into stuff like that. I think we sat there listening to music and making a terrible mess for like two hours. So that was nice and the deer will love eating them in a week or two when we're done looking at them.

I didn't take any pictures the night of the ball but I have one of her in the dress that I took when we bought it. I have another shot that Liz took at the ball and posted on facebook so I'll send that too.

Larry watched a special on CNN in December about a diet the cures and prevents heart disease. He asked Santa for the book and is now undertaking this super strict vegan diet
Trying to make full meals and a constant supply of baked goods with no animal products, no milk, eggs, cheese, nuts, oil (of any kind) or butter has been keeping me busy. I did find some oil free vegan bread at the health food store along with vegan egg replacer. He said last night that the diet is giving him peace of mind because he knows he is doing all he can for his health. I'm sure once I've worked out a menu of successful recipes to choose from it will get easier.

Anyways, the whole ordeal with XXX's eye totally sucks! I would think it would make it hard to drive in terms of peripheral vision (among other things). I wish I was there, I would love to photograph it and turn him into the hottest ophthalmological stock model out there! :)

I bought a book for all three of us for Christmas called the Happiness Hypothesis
which I've only just started. Anyways, the author is a psychologist who specializes in culture and morality. I've just started it but he simplifies the structure of our psyche by equating the unconscious (our autonomic responses and inclinations) as an elephant and consciousness as a small person riding (and trying to control) the elephant. I've always thought of those two aspects of ourselves as proportionately the opposite; that the unconscious is recessive and only occasionally informs our conscious selves. What he is saying is that what-who we are is mostly derived from our biology and our unconscious and is largely opposed to/immune to our conscious decision making. That without persistent and long term behavioral retraining the elephant doesn't conform. Anyways, what I'm getting at is that I think what he has to say may be relevant to the whole new years resolution/dissolution thing that you mentioned. I'll let you know once I'm further along if it's worth trying to get from your library. Personally I find that it explains a lot about me to myself but since that would make this email nothing short of a long book I will save it for another time. :)

And, since this email isn't already long enough, I'm going to bore you with the idiocy of bird count day which was yesterday. We got the most ferocious blizzard which lasted all of Friday night. So Saturday morning it was just lousy out, we had no power and no internet. I couldn't shower or do my hair but since the winds were terrible it didn't really matter. It took Larry and I an hour working together to dig a path through the 5 foot wall of snow at the end of our driveway. We froze our asses off! When we finally got free the county roads weren't plowed (except for ours which has a private contractor) Where we were able to travel, the snow squalls left visibility to zero. Every bird with any sense in his head was hunkered down somewhere. And those that were out, were being thrown around so fast by the wind that they were unidentifiable. On a normal drive through Story we will encounter around a zillion turkey and several bald eagles. Yesterday we counted 4 turkeys and only one juvenile bald eagle. I guess what I'm saying is that not only is the Christmas Bird Count a completely unscientific means of keeping tabs on local bird populations (because it is done by volunteers with varying understanding of species, binocular strength, and overlapping territories) the results are so weather dependent that they can in no way be an indicator of anything in any given year. So it was STUPID! I really should have skipped it but didn't want to seem like a pansy whiner as we'd made a commitment to help. What was I thinking?!

Well, now that you regret emailing me I will try and wrap this up.
You didn't say how your party and the fireworks went last night? I don't blame you for wanting to put Tuesday off a little longer. Hopefully when business hours resume at a normal pace the checks from all of that work you've done will start flowing in!
Good luck with your patient!
Much Love, Sharon

(bird count day 2011)


Anet said...

Happy New Year, hoping good health for all and good luck with your resolution... Autumn is 24 and I'm still over-mothering her... as much as she'll allow that is.

A 5 foot wall of snow, good gravy!
We've only had one real snow fall so far and that was a foot all in one night, two days later it was all melted. Noah was a little upset, it was his first Christmas without snow.

sandy said...

I totally enjoyed your email and the description of the bird count. Loved reading about your everyday life trying to fi the right meals etc.

I like newsy stuff like this about families.

About overmothering Zoe, from what I read - I imagine she thinks you are a pretty cool mom.

Sharon said...

Happy New Year Anet! Yeah,my niece who lives near you was upset about the green Christmas too.

Thanks Sandy!

Project Tara said...

Hey, I can comment now! (Kept getting an error previously) Happy New Year to you, the fam and all the critters. I'll keep that 5 feet of snow in mind next time I open my yapper to start crabbing about the three inches here.
Ahem. :-)

Sharon said...

Happy New Year to you too Tara!
3 inches doesn't sound too bad. The five feet was mostly caused by the snow plow dumping all of the road snow right there. :)