Monday, January 17, 2011

Hey Big Brother!

My 15 year old woke me out of a sound sleep at 2 am last night because she'd found a website that keeps a public records style database on each and every one of us. By just plugging in my name you could have found my spouse's name, possibly my child's name, my address, phone number, our income, and either a google map to my house or an actual photograph of my house (not anymore, I've removed both myself and Larry). It is nothing short of a stalker's dream site...well, a lazy stalker's dream site. It's not like most of this information couldn't be had through lengthy and diligent research elsewhere but Spokeo has taken it upon themselves to do the legwork for you. I can't even imagine the plethora of nefariousness just ready and waiting for the right psycho to come along. And, if said psycho has $3 a month they can find unlimited goodies about you and everyone else they're interested in. I guess what I'm saying is go to and plug in your name (and your partner's name) and see what's there. Then you can decide for yourself if you'd like to be removed.

On the bright side they valuated my home at a good $100,000 more than I thought it was worth. Happy stalking everyone! :)


Amy Maureen Murphy said...

Most interesting Sharon. So how dis you go about removing your name?

Sharon said...

Hey Amy!
It's a multi step process. Go to:

and it will explain how to do it.

Dark Squirrel Victoria said...

Thank you Sharon! I removed us. This really pisses me off, we are so careful with our information.

Sharon said...

Hey Vicky,
Isn't it weird?! Here we are both hanging out in nowhere Wyoming minding our own'd think we'd be invisible.

Amy Maureen Murphy said...

Thanks Sharon!! I did just that. Amy

Jessica said...

Thank goodness we are in a different country...thats awful that you can just type in someones name and have everything come up:(Very dissapointed in big brother there.

Sharon said...

I'm glad you've stopped by. Yeah, it is craziness but let's hope that the U.S.'s is able to transcend some of the crazy backwardness we've been experiencing collectively and move forward as a better, more tolerant and more aware nation.

Tara said...


I just went and took mine down. And I'll be sure to forward this to friends and family.

Going to sign off and go to my happy place...

denise said...

Ha! Yeah, I've seen that. The last time I looked it seemed like it only knew where I lived over 20 years ago (and my husband 15 years ago), no children listed, no current address...although with all of that it estimated $ at some huge amount! ;) I wonder why some people have accurate info and others not? We are in the 'system' of taxes and home records. Maybe the more you have moved, the less accurate it is? Scary though. I found my sisters who both had stalker problems in the past.

Sharon said...

Hey Tara, enjoy your happy place!

Hi Denise!
Yeah I'm a little sensitive (aka paranoid) about the whole stalking thing. I met this boy at camp when I was 14 (merely an acquaintance, nothing more) who (at middle age) has spent (at least) the last 5 years looking for me. He's contacted relatives of mine who've ignored him at my request, and then a year and a half ago I received a letter with my house address on it asking if I was the one he's been looking for??? Not wanting to validate his search or let him know he had the right address, I ignored it again. It's possible his intentions are harmless but it is very WEIRD nonetheless. It's not like he was a close friend or classmate and it's not like I'm still a cute blond 14 year old either. I can't imagine what he's thinking but I certainly don't need spokeo helping him out.
Now let's just hope he hasn't found this blog!