Saturday, December 4, 2010

resurrecting dead Germans with free clip art

(click image to enlarge and download)

I thought I'd post some free clip art in case anyone can use it for their holiday projects. These aren't my designs but were created by Joseph Kreuter in the early 1900's. He made literally thousands for his letterpress company. As far as I can tell his life's work is rapidly fading into oblivion (I don't think you'll find it anywhere else but here). While not every one of his designs are noteworthy it does seem a shame that in this world of image pimping they should be lost forever. So if you're doing anything for Christmas that these might be useful for help me to resurrect a dead German by keeping his work alive. :)
Froehliche Weihnachten everyone!
More about why I have them is here.

Blogger seems to be halving the file size so if you'd like full sized images email me at and I will send them to you.


sandy said...

Hey these are cool. I may grab one if I can use it later.


sandy said...

I went and read your post on them. They are really gorgeous, the way you have photographed them. How interesting to read that you may be the only resource for these. Fascinating story.

I remember you talking about them a long time ago..

Anet said...

These are so neat!
I love the strange snowmanish guy being pulled by the pigs.
They would make adorable gift tags... if I only had ink for my printer.
Another thing on my "to do" list. Get ink.

Sharon said...

Hi Sandy and Anet

That one with the pig is kind of freaky isn't it?!

Tammy said...

ROFLOL...the title of this post...snicker. :) Definitely going to have to check out your blog!