Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Seemingly Endless Magical Potato Drawer of Mice.

Once upon a time in an ordinary wood there was a house made out of logs. It looked like any other cabin in any other woods. Inside the house lived 3 humans who were ordinary and not particularly important. In fact, this story isn’t about them at all. This story is about the cats they belong to. At first glance you might mistake the cats as ordinary too, but don’t be fooled, they’re bewitched.

It is rumored that one autumn day, long, long ago, the cats tired of the never ending monotony of sleeping, eating, and licking the little tufts of fur buried deep between their toes. So they decided it would be great fun to play a trick on the humans. They spent many mornings snuggling in bed together, the sun angling perfectly toward them as they plotted and schemed. I don’t know how it was decided, or who actually cast the spell, but a successful charm was conjured enchanting the ordinary cabin in the ordinary woods..... forever. As a result of this mischievous prank whenever the first snowflakes drift downward from the heavens a call is put forth; an irresistible siren radiates throughout the forest and every single wide eyed, whiskery, deer mouse within miles is drawn to the house of cats. Now you might be thinking that the cats aren’t bewitched at all or that the mice might simply enjoy the human’s love of a cozy fire and careless housekeeping. That crossed my mind too until morning after morning I watched as food bowls were filled, water refreshed, and pans scooped, to see the cats gather. They’d wait expectantly as the incredulous humans revealed, for the zillionth time, a tiny brown creature entombed in a live trap, and born of the seemingly endless magical potato drawer of mice. Don’t be fooled when all 7 cats turn away indifferently, if you watch closely you’ll see their whiskers twitch with suppressed and bemused snickers. These are very clever cats who enjoy the irony of seeing pacifist humans frustrated at their utter lack of rapaciousness. Exhausted by the absurd joy of it and quite pleased with themselves the cats file back up to bed where they spend the rest of the day peacefully dreaming their predatory dreams.
The End.

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