Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It Is So Decreed................

Last night’s dinner conversation consisted of a very sincere and impassioned declaration by Larry that all of the major architects of, and participants in, the mortgage crisis should be tried and hung.........which he then changed to being lined up in front of a firing squad.......which soon became “forget the trial, off with their heads!”........which was then met with Zoe and I rolling our eyes and changing the subject.

This morning at breakfast however he actually had a good idea. Now I know this won’t seem like much to any (all) of you who have never been there, but let me assure you that it’s a brilliant plan! Larry has now decided that all those found guilty of being criminally self-interested, deceptive, and greedy; thus perpetuating the collapse of our nation’s economy, shall hereby receive a life sentence to be served in Worland, Wyoming housed in a FEMA trailer, and employed by McDonalds. Trust me, it would be worse than a firing squad!

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