Friday, October 3, 2008

You Betcha!

I don't know which debate most of the pundits were watching last night but they seemed to have witnessed a far more lucid Sarah Palin than I did. I was beginning to wonder if they had all taken mind altering drugs whose primary pharmacological effect was the suspension of all rational judgment in exchange for polite (but ill-placed) praise. You know, like reassuring a small child that the lunch they've made for you really is delicious. Luckily, Juan Cole isn't so sexist or condescending as to feel the need to coddle the incompetent. Thank you Juan.

"..... one candidate is a ditzy nonentity cynically foisted on the public in the same way a 'reality show' is, based on a targeted demographic and without regard to quality."

"It was not a debate, and pretending that it was and judging "performance" is to fall into the trap set by the campaign spinmeisters and talking point pimps."

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