Sunday, October 12, 2008


(photo of Tunnel Hill taken on Friday morning as the snow was just starting.)

Not as much snow as predicted, so far.

I awoke yesterday blessed by a brief feeling of contentment. Of course within the hour I had ruined it by dissecting it and subsequently trying to recapture it. But it was there, momentarily; the fleeting feeling that things were “right” just as they were, as opposed to my normal modus operandi of everything would be right if only: we had a new president, or world peace, or if Infinite Jest were just a little shorter, if the house were a little cleaner, if my creative vision and abilities were more in sync, or if I were a little younger, less vain, more attractive, smarter..............etc., etc. Last night as I was nodding off to sleep it occured to me what a curious thing it was that we use these little distractions as emotional crutches in order to avoid boredom. That as long as there is something to perfect, or to learn, or to experience, we can avoid facing ourselves and the present. It’s as if the thing that the psyche is most frightened of is surrendering to life’s stillness.

For a REALLY super post today check out Tara here.

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