Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What Not to Wear

Every once in a while Kitara will have a seemingly irrational and very loud tantrum. It’s pretty normal for her to express herself vocally but when her ranting becomes an all out frenzied scream for survival you know something is up. That’s what happened this morning. From the sound of it I wouldn’t have been surprised to find a bear or mountain lion behind me, but as it turns out she was just complaining about Larry’s choice of clothing. He was wearing a red t-shirt and Kitara hates anything red. It’s very upsetting to her, and later when I tried to tell her that his barbaric and inconsiderate behavior was nothing to take personally she confided in me that she was certain it was more than a mistake; it was passive aggressive, and that deep, deep, down he fully intended to ruin her day. And now that I think about it she might be right, because it’s already noon and he hasn’t taken it off yet.

Note: Birds can see ultraviolet light and have at least four types of color sensitive cone cells. Humans have only three types of cone.

Tara mentioned in her comment a website that compares scenes as seen from the human eye with various other animals. This picture is of a field as seen by a bird. Here is an excerpt from that site:

Daytime birds see a greater range of colors than humans, including ultraviolet light. As humans, we have never actually seen many of these colors, so a bird's actual vision would be very difficult (if not impossible) to emulate here. It is generally accepted that color is much more vibrant in a typical bird's vision than it is in humans.

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