Thursday, June 5, 2008

Anet's Meme

I wasn't going to post today but Anet posted this meme which looked like fun so here goes:

1. One person who made me laugh.
Ruth's comment the other day on her blog: "The mac and cheese, any recipes that involved Campbell's soup, and never tasting garlic that didn't come out of a shaker bottle?"
2. What was I doing at 0800? Yoga
3. What was I doing 30 minutes ago? Washing the dishes.
4. What did I do in 2006? Stupidly taking a troop of Girl Scouts camping even though I'd never gone camping before in my life! (amazingly no one died, but there was this bear....)
5. Last thing I said aloud? I think there are 10 mm per cm?????
6. Beverages? water
7. What colour is my hairbrush? wood
8. Last thing I paid for? pizza
9. Where was I last night? happily at home
10. Front door colour? rough cut pine
11. Where do I keep my change? In a large jar in the closet & in the little cubby thing in the car
12. What’s the weather like today? 45 and pouring!
13. Best ice cream flavour? Peanut Butter & Chocolate
14. What excites me? my family, animals, solitude, nature, the internet, my life, & cool, spiritual spaces
15. I want to cut my hair? Let's not even go there!!!
16. Am I over the age of 25? Yep.
17. Do I talk a lot? Nope.
18. What colour socks did you wear today? Navy socks and flowered, hippie, corduroy boots.
19. Do I know anyone named Steve? Again, lets not go there!
20. Do I make up my own words? What, like George?!
21. Am I a jealous person? No, not usually.
21. Name a friend who starts with the letter A. Anna & Anet
22. Name a friend who starts with the letter K. Do geese count???? ~Kitara
23. Who’s the first person on my ‘Received Calls list? nobody!
24. The last text message I received? Are you kidding? I don't even know how to lock and unlock my keypad!!!!
25. Do I chew on my straw? Nope, just my lip.
26. Do I have curly hair? I wish!!!
27. Where's the next place you're going to? The post office, we don't get mail delivery here.
28. Who is the rudest person in my life? My brain!!!!
29. What was the last thing I ate? a strawberry
30. Will I get married in the future? nope! Larry's it........
31. The best movie I’ve seen in the past 2 weeks? Damaged Care
32. Is there anyone you like right now? ........ I like authentic and gentle people.
33. Why did I answer and post this? Because I wasn't going to post today when I read Anet's blog and thought it would be fun........

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