Thursday, May 22, 2008

So, What's On Your Fridge?????

Years ago when Larry was stationed in Germany he bought a collection of antique letterpress cuts from an antique shop near Giessen. They sat untouched in boxes for 30 years before we decided to sell some on ebay. That was a couple of years ago and they’ve paid for a new septic, a wood stove, a couple of computers, and a few other odds and ends. Now that we’ve decided to keep the remaining thousand, I’m always thinking that I should be using them in some way know, utilize their designs, while leaving the original pieces intact. I’m not detail oriented enough to undertake printmaking or art books.....just not my thing. I’ve fooled around trying to do something with them in clay but haven’t been satisfied with the results (yet). Yesterday, inspired by Anet's jewelry work, I decided to finish these ceramic magnets that I started years ago.

While painting, my mind wandered aimlessly from the magnets I was working on to the fact that I still had Goth’s baby magnets on the refrigerator, to needing to clean the fridge, and on and on..........which pretty much brings you up to speed of how I came about writing this rambling and pointless refrigerator post.

We all have refrigerators and what’s in, and on them, tells all sorts of little details about who we are.

So, are you like my sister in that you like to keep your fridge clean, or is yours plastered with kids’ art, shopping lists, and photographs? Mine’s usually a mess with pictures,

important phone numbers, home school schedules, quotes, affirmations, shopping lists, comics,

and most importantly, a construction paper heart that Goth made me when she was five reminding me that I need to try to “bee love”..........
you can’t find better advice than that.

So, what’s on your fridge?

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