Thursday, March 20, 2008

Get Me the Hell Out of Here!

My sister, who lives 1200 miles east of me, emailed me the other day that she hadn’t been out of the house in over 2 days and it was making her crazy. She quipped that she didn’t know how I did it. She said that because she knows that I’m never happier than when I home. It’s my own little sanctuary, a place of peace that I never tire of. Being out and about on the other hand, I’m not so fond of. I go to town more than I’d like too, but I could really skip it all together. It’s not that their's anything wrong with town. It’s about as nice a little community as you’re going to find in these parts. It’s just me. I’m built that way. I always have been. I mean look at that picture. My sister (wearing the red plaid coat) is happy as a lark sitting on the lap of some strange man that even a four year old had to know wasn’t Santa. Not me, I’m (the scraggly blond one) struggling to high tail it out of there. I felt the same way in kindergarten, and I still feel that way now. I can’t stand going to the dentist and having to endure some chatty stranger picking away at my teeth. I make myself go, because I do have some standards of decency and hygiene. But don’t even ask about the hair dresser. That I’d just rather do myself. I mean, I can live with a bad hair day, but make me smile and chat inanely for half an hour and I want to curl up into a ball and die. Okay, I know you’re thinking that I’m nuts. And maybe I am. But, as far as I can tell, we all are. And you know what? I’m happy, really, really happy.

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