Thursday, March 20, 2008


I'm not a big fan of confrontation. In fact, I'm pretty much pathologically opposed to it. And despite that not too insightful revelation about myself, you can still find a fair amount of conflict around me. The woods that surround our cabin are just frantic this time of year. Once nurturing white tail deer will dole out a wicked hoof thrashing to their young (and anyone else who comes between them and a pile of bird seed). And if you were wondering who was going to win the rights to the corn in the above picture, I can assure you it's Kitara. Our geese are the queens of conflict. It's their life's blood and nothing gives them more pleasure than to chase a grown man across the yard swearing. It's taken me years to convince him, but even The Muse now recognizes that gurgling, cooing, and promising your undying love to our feisty avian friends is in everyone's best interest. Now he always pays his respects, and I'm pretty sure that he's even beginning to like them.

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