Thursday, March 20, 2008


This morning was so beautiful that everyone was up and about early.
Deer are enthusiastic supporters of gun control and the environment
so they tend toward being Democrats. And, as you know, this year's Democratic primary season has been like no other in recent memory. The white tails are so excited that they showed up before breakfast this morning demanding to caucus a day early.
Personally, I hate (human) caucuses.
I just want to go in, slap down my vote, and leave.

I mean, I don't feel like I should have to
patiently withstand being persuaded, badgered,
or bullied by my fellow citizens.
Nor should I have to defend my positions/decisions.
Let my vote be counted and included for what it is;
A single VoTE.

Still, after a long and heated debate this morning's caucus ended in surprising unanimity.
We all agreed that Barack and Hillary should idealistically set ego aside, join hands, and form a joint ticket working together to lead and heal our nation. They're a perfect team. What Hillary lacks in likability and eloquence Barack provides in abundance. What he lacks in experience and strength she provides. By coming together we all win. Now back to reality....... Keep your toes and hooves crossed, this could get ugly.
How sad would that be?

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