Wednesday, February 6, 2013

bull testicles... or an email to my sister

which I'm journaling as punishment/reminder to myself to get a brain:

I am soooo embarrassed!!! You know that I said that I was setting up Larry's new computer today? Well, I did, and that went fine but it came with a new 21" flat screen lcd monitor so while I gave him the new computer, I took the monitor. I've been really wanting one and had hoped Santa would get me one but then we decided no Santa for the grown ups this year. So anyways, I give him my old salvation army monitor which was better than his smaller and older salvation army monitor and take the new one. I've spent all afternoon making sure the new flat screen is calibrated properly (and it is) and my stock looks like SHIT!!! No wonder I'm only making a hundred bucks a month; half of them are under-saturated and the other half over-saturated. There aren't even a handful with proper lighting. I'm embarrassed to have most of it in my portfolio! UGH. Serves me right, but I've been banging my head against that stock wall for 2 years now and have wasted so much time and energy that could have been saved had I just spent a hundred bucks and bought myself a monitor. What an idiot! You are related to an idiot....who knew that an ancient salvation army monitor would be inadequate to a completely visual profession where being able to properly see what the f*&% you're doing is essential.