Friday, June 8, 2012

i am God disappointed in himself

On the drive to Fetterman this morning while my mind flitted about undisciplined as always, it occurred to me that every particle of my being could be accounted for genetically.
I'm not a “religious” person. Quite the opposite really; I loathe organizations who manipulate their beliefs as truths, or worse yet, for monetary or political gain. That being said I have always believed in God (a higher power, universal consciousness, or whatever you want to label the larger unknowable reality that we are all a part of). Feeling for even a moment that I was nothing more than the sum of biology was really quite devastating. I mean, where are my soul bits? Dear God, why can't I find any identifiable particle of myself independent of ancestry, conditioning, or hormones?! As we drove through the rolling green hills I wondered how, if all that I am is corporeal, can I be a part of God (a belief which has comforted me my entire life)? Passing cows (oh distant mammalian relations) I considered that maybe we are merely vessels through which God/Consciousness experiences itself? That would certainly account for a lot of self loathing. Having mistaken ourselves for a part of the divine would definitely confuse any ego into being forever discontent with the reality of itself. Maybe we aren't even vessels. I don't know, but if we are, I wonder if God is happier with himself embodied in me, or a cow? I'm guessing the cow. Anyways, I'm sure it's more complicated than that but it doesn't really matter since this is probably just my pms talking! :)