Friday, January 27, 2012

lizard progressing and a Happy Birthday!

The horned toad still has a ways to go (but then he is 8 times larger than the real thing). In fact what we have here is a digital photo of an incredibly blown up, unfinished drawing,
of a lizard who people call a toad who wants to wish

Kind of like a modern day version of Plato's cave since the drawing is a drawing and not a lizard or toad, who knows nothing of people, or birthdays, or blogs, and for all I know it might not even be Tara's Birthday (although I have it on good authority that it is!) making everything just shadows and this post possibly pointless....and confusing. But forget all of that and let's just leave it at
Happy Birthday Tara :)


Project Tara said...

What an awesome birthday I'm having (in part thanks to amazing blog birthday cards like this one!). Thank you so much Sharon... and Mr. Half-Finished Lizard-Toad (who is looking mighty marvelous with some color added, I must say).
You are truly a wonderful friend. I'm so blessed to have you in my life.

Anet said...

This horned toad is growing on me:) Wonder why it's not called a horned lizard?

Sharon said...

Hey Tara!
Honestly, I'm pretty sure it's the other way around. You and Anet are both very tolerant to put up with my erratic silences.

Hey Anet,
I'm glad he's making a little progress into your heart!

I think the toad thing is because they aren't as slender as most lizards. Their bodies look round and toadish when viewed from above.

sandy said...

Well you're doing a great job on that toad, can't wait to see it finished. I love his face.

Happy late birthday wishes to Tara.