Monday, May 23, 2011

the many faces of Kitara...


Anet said...

Aww... so cute! I love the orange around her eyes:)

Where's Moonbeam been?
and how's Mr.Hanging Horn??

Sharon said...

Hey Anet!
Hanging Horn's fine. All of the deer are shedding right now so they're not very photogenic.
Wherever Kitara is, Moonbeam's nearby. He's shyer and was perfectly happy to graze around us while I took Kitara's picture.
I really loved your bunnies. We have wild rabbits around but I've never come across a nest like that.

Anet said...

Good to hear all is well with them. We're big fans of Hanging Horn, Noah will ask about him out of the blue sometimes:)

The bunnies have moved on with their mama now. They followed her under the fence a few days ago (now Brad's excuse not to mow the backyard is gone:)

I felt a little like a grandma rabbit for awhile, trying to protect them from predators and the elements. Out of eight babies only two survived. I guess that's about normal.
They are out in the world now, hopefully they don't come back to nest in my yard... it's just too stressful for this old grandma rabbit!

Sharon said...

I'll bet! :)