Wednesday, April 6, 2011

crying uncle, stuff around here, and rambling thoughts...


my kind and grounded neighbor unexpectedly dropped dead last week. he was only 58. he lay there for 48 hours before being found. for 2 days I drove by his corpse (we share a driveway) without an inkling that anything was amiss. it was a reminder that life is too short to waste on being "smart and responsible", or forcing one's self into ill fitting skin. today my neighbor's brother tossed the death couch into the front yard to be carted away, and zoe volunteered to look after his mostly feral, unnamed cat. meanwhile i am crying uncle after a fool hardy experiment because it is more important to live mindfully and with dignity than to be prepared for unknown and uncontrollable eventualities. the silliness ends in May.

rest in peace



Dark Squirrel Victoria said...

Larry was a great guy, I will miss seeing him around town.

Anet said...

Take care friend.

Tara said...

I'm so sorry to read this, Sharon. My thoughts are with you all.