Tuesday, March 8, 2011

this year's WWA donations...

(Larry's donation, 5" x 7")

I just wanted to post our donations to this year's Wyoming Wilderness Association Miniature Art and Music festival so I'd have a record of what we sent. The auction isn't until next month but I'm going to be swamped all of April so I've gotten things ready a little early.

(another recycled mirror, 6" square)


Anet said...

Fantastic donations, I'm sure they bring in some great cash for such a good cause:)

I love your mirrors. It must take such a long time to complete one. It really looks as if you carefully places each item in the prefect spot!
Really beautiful.

Is it a good kind of busy or a not-so-good kind of busy for April?

Cause... I was missing you:(

Sharon said...

Thanks Anet!
This one only took about 3 hours. Since the WWA is an environmental group they do a recycled materials category and the mirrors like a good fit. I'll probably send a couple of small illustrations too.
April will fall into the not so good kind since I hate being busy. I took a part time job in January filling in at our little mountain post office. It's normally just a couple of hours a week but April will be 9 hours a day, 6 days a week because I will be the only one working all month. Things should be back to normal by May.
I've been kind of waffling about the whole blogging thing lately which is why I haven't posted much. I'm sure it's just phase. After April I'll be so overloaded I probably won't want to do anything else but sit at the computer for a while!
Thanks. :)

sandy said...

I like Larry's piece and that mirror is great - I bet that was fun to make.

Anet said...

Well that sound like a great little job!
April sounds like it's going to be tough. I don't know if I could handle working all those hours. But think of the mu-la! nice:)

Blogging... it's sure not what it use to be. Kind of sad really. I take for what it is, just an outlet for our homeschool and life. If I kept it all to myself I think I'd explode.
We'll see you in June, ahh... doesn't June sound wonderful?!
Take care friend and try not to overload:)

denise said...

I love your mirrors - the colors just right. Great pieces for that.

Ohhhhh, I always think the only two places I could ever have a 'job' again in my life would be a rural library or post office. Still too much chit chat, but if far removed probably not too people busy. :)

Sharon said...

Hi Sandy! It' was.

Hey Denise!
Yeah, it's mostly solitary so thats good. I definitely wouldn't want anything of importance. Having real work, the consequences of which mattered or truly effected others would be too stressful and life altering. Having been out of the work world for over 20 years I felt a little nervous that I might ultimately be putting myself in a bad position if the time came and I "needed" an income. Plus it's just a tiny mountain community and the P.O. is only 5 minutes down the road so there is little for me to whine about. I could have decided to make more of an effort with the illustrating or etsy or something. I guess it's just a choice about which route involves the more acceptable creative, emotional, moral, and lifestyle compromises...
Hopefully it was the right call.

RunninL8 said...

Weh,heh,hell, what the fek?!?!? I had no idea you were blogging again!!!! YAY!!!!!! I have much to peruse here!!!! And, hey! I can call myself an artist, too, now!

RunninL8 said...

GREAT header BTW!!!!

Sharon said...

I've always thought of you as an artist! More than me right now, I haven't been doing anything. I'm thinking of getting back to making art instead of illustrating but it will have to wait until May.

Great website, great art. Very inspiring! I'm particularly taken with Child of Darfur; stunning!

Sharon said...

....art AND blogging. I want to get back to both. :)