Monday, November 29, 2010

blizzards and butterflies

*Today was quiet, there wasn't much going on here other than a pretty fierce blizzard so I was goofing off with my monarch illustration.

* I dreamt last night about Tom Bodett. He told me I should start blogging again with more seriousness. Not sure what that was about but it doesn't really matter.

*I've decided that worrying about my ability to survive on my own in the real world is the wrong course for me. Let the chips fall where they may...

As you can tell I have nothing really to post; just flitting about as usual. Hope you are all having a great day.

P.S. Tara and Anet: I'm sending the blizzard to you guys. It should be there before the end of the week. No need to thank me! :)


Tara said...

Spending a cozy afternoon in the studio doesn't sound too bad. Now about that blizzard... um, can I take a pass? Give my share to Anet? I'm seriously not ready for winter this year.

Like your beautiful monarchs, maybe I should head to Mexico!

denise said...

Love the monarchs...and send some snow our way. We haven't had so much as a flake this year! Crazy!

Sharon said...

Hi Tara and Denise,
I expect Anet has enough on her plate right now so maybe we can get Denise to take both your and Anet's share. All I know is that I'm ready for it to leave my house!

sandy said...

Nice monarch illustrations. Our weather is in the low 70's today. I'm loving it.

Sharon said...

Yeah Sandy,
I won't be telling Zoe or Larry that or they'll have me packing up the geese and moving! :)

Anet said...

Oh so that's why it's snowing today... okay, thanks a million:0
I don't even like snow!!!

The monarchs are very pretty;) You're still my favorite artist!