Saturday, October 16, 2010

"just be yourself"

While reading the paper at breakfast this morning I broke the silence with an audible "damn!". Larry looked up so I explained that after reading about some pretrial rulings it seemed clear that the case I've been summoned to jury duty for is heading to court. This is like the fourth or fifth time my number has been called in the last two years (although the trials have always been cancelled before so it was no big deal). As I started to ponder my most convincing I'm an idiot expression in order to dissuade selection, Larry said "just be yourself". Oh geez, thanks! So I'm just naturally crazy??? After a little ribbing he clarified what he meant was that I should just be my bleeding heart liberal self and that that would repulse them enough.

I don't know. I'm still going to practice my blank stare and drooling just in case. :)


Sandie said...


Anet said...

I flippin hate jury duty!

I agree with Larry just being your bleeding heart liberal self will
most likely get you dismissed...
but on the same hand, it's also a good idea to practice the drooling thing:)
I'll be sending "nonjury" vibes your way!