Tuesday, December 1, 2009

some things money can't buy

I've always known that money can't buy most of the really important things in life but today was a real eye opener. I found out that sometimes money can't even buy the little things. Apparently "unlimited" internet access isn't really unlimited, AND apparently there is such a thing as bandwidth usage which is limited to the tune of 30gb per month AND apparently we use a LOT of bandwidth around here. I have never in my life had any service cut off for nonpayment but today my internet provider cut me off and not for lack of payment. They cut us off for using too much bandwidth. YEP, we were axed. As you can see we are back online provided we behave ourselves but never in my wildest imagination was I aware of bandwidth or the intricacies of its usage. I am now. So syanara blog post pictures, NPR online, Pandora, stock photography, Zoe's gaming, her Xbox live, skype, justintv, and instant Netflix viewing. Goodbye dear world we are outofbandwidth.......................

pS: Zoe hates her life now.,
(that's Zoe posting. Damn, the hungry, sick, and wounded we poor Americans are having to ration our internet. boo hoo hoo )