Monday, January 19, 2009

Larry says it looks like a Turkish whorehouse......

& Zoe is embarrassed that her friends might see it, but I'm loving it. Seems like the older I get the more I want things not to match; eclectic........bohemian......imperfect. I know, you're probably just struck by how incredibly tacky it is, which is what I love about it (well, that and it's silky coolness against my hot flashy skin). Anyways, in case you were wondering what drove me to such bad taste, here's the story: Several years ago I spent 3 months (yes THREE whole months of my life) making a quilt for our bed which Mattie chewed through in a matter of days. Which I patched, while she chewed, ad infinitum until we found ourselves sleeping under little more then a holey rag. I won't be doing that again as long as she lives her orally insecure existence so I went to town, checkbook in hand, and this beauty is what I came home with. Now Mattie can chew to her heart's content and all I'm out is 38 bucks and Larry's fantasy of life in a bordello!