Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Bad Nation.......No Birthday for You!!!!

A while ago Anet posted a meme titled I Am From. I really liked reading about her and intended to post her meme myself. Unfortunately I found it difficult to own. I found the “where I’m from” part of me and the “who I am today” part of me incompatibly partitioned. But yesterday Ruth’s letter to her senator inspired me to tackle the meme not from the viewpoint of my personal life, but from the perspective of my life as an American. Here it is:

I am from the Motor City, baseball, and apple pie .
I am from a two story house in a lower middle class Michigan suburb. I am from descendants of the victory garden, the bald eagle, and the myth of Washington’s cherry tree; a president who could not tell a lie. I am from 4th of July fireworks, a hardworking dad, from Joe Jr. and Patricia J., and Benjamin Franklin...........if, you go far enough backwards! I am from the simple and patriotic. From freedom of speech and democracy, from the greatest nation on earth, innocence until proven guilty, and liberty and justice for all. I am from separation of church and state and one nation under God. I am from Ellis Island, people of many nations seeking freedom to worship, freedom from tyranny, freedom from torture. I am from a government of the people, by the people, for the people.
What happened?

You can find the original meme here.

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