Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Our Backyard Bird Count

Yesterday we decided to do a little spring cleaning to get the barn ready for the Muse to use as his summer studio. We aren’t particularly fussy about things like that so it wasn’t exactly a big deal. Our main goal was to put in a staircase so that we could access the barn’s attic space. Up until now we hadn’t been using it because of the spiderman like antics required to get up there (but we need the space to store some scrap lumber along with a plethora of other worthless treasures we’ve been accumulating). Once the stairs were finished I climbed up, turned on the lights, and discovered that unbeknownst to us we have a few more pigeons than we thought we did...........quite a few more pigeons! A loft full of pigeons. A little subdivision of nests and eggs and babies in tidy rows lining the rafters. It’s like a very efficient pigeon factory that we’ve been cluelessly the landlords of.

On the bright side, NPR had a little blurb on the other day about woman paying extraordinary amounts of money for facial masks made out of bird droppings. In an effort to provide you with accurate and up to date information I googled it and found that one bird poo facial will cost you about $250. I think I may have found my calling.

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