Sunday, March 23, 2008

Much Ado About Nothing

Have you ever had a moment when you asked your beloved offspring to perform some mundane task and your request was met with exaggerated sighs and eye rolling? "Why in the world is it too much to ask of a young, healthy, able bodied family member to pitch in" my parental self responds indignantly. But to be honest my real self can totally relate. I hate to admit it but there are chores that I feel irrationally burdened by. Laundry is one of them. The actual time and energy of throwing a few clothes in the washer isn’t exactly exhaustive, yet when I wake up on laundry day a little part of me slumps over as if I were expected to single handedly build The Great Wall of China. I guess my childhood fantasies of adult life overlooked the fact that there would be dirty underwear .................

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